In the Studio: James Beck

This month dot-art speaks to Liverpool based artist James Beck who goes by the name Bexy.

Bexy has 27 years of experience as a photographic artist after gaining his BS Hons in photography. For years he remained hidden and suppressed to just his imagination and personal production until he decided to emerge from the shadows and publicly display his unique style of art to the world.

This was a result of overcoming years of mental and physical anguish that hindered him from being true to himself and his passion, two years ago James stepped out as Bexy and has never looked back.

Which medium do you work with and what do you like about it specifically?

I’m an iPhone photographer. You carry your phone everywhere so I never miss out on an interesting texture or image that captures me during day to day life.

Describe your style of art:

I would describe my style as abstract art meets street art.

Can you talk us through your process? Do you begin with a sketch, or do you just go straight in? How long do you spend on one piece? How do you know when it is finished?

Each day I take photographs of anything that catches my eye. When I sit down I start playing around with the images and layer them until I’m happy with the outcome, it’s an inspiring process. I just get an urge to start creating then finish when I feel the release. Some images are weeks in the making and others can be inspired and created in a day.

When did you begin your career in art? 

I’ve always been creating but never had the courage to step out until two years ago.

Who or what inspires your art? 

I love photographing old, rotten, decayed objects that have been cast aside, I love making them into something beautiful and mystical. We miss so much in our day to day because these things don’t attract the eye or appear ugly, when in fact they are incredibly interesting.

Liver Building Strange Day-James-Beck

Why is art and creativity so important to you?

It’s a spiritual thing for me, I get inspired with an urge to create. Being dyslexic I communicate best through my art. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words…. some of my works are made up of thirty-plus pictures!

What does it mean to be an artist in the Liverpool City Region? 

Liverpool has a rich creative heritage. It’s an honour to be a part of it and I hope I can continue to make an impact with the city’s beautiful tapestry of artists.

Scouse Waterfront Mate-James-Beck

What are you working on at the moment?

My collection for an exhibition I’m doing at Brick Lane Gallery in London next month. I’m always last minute!

What’s the best advice that was given to you as an artist?

Being a photographer I was told never to be afraid to adapt to the times. I’ve evolved from using a dark room to lightroom and embraced technology without losing my creativity and style.

Discover more of James’ artwork on our online shop!